So many people get derailed because they don't follow a communication framework..
I've been a tech leader for 10+ years and I've realized that effective communication plays a vital role in achieving success on a day to day basis. Last week, I spoke a lot about effective communication and today, let me show you what I do..
So what do I use?
I've come to lean on the "7 C's of Communication" as they can significantly enhance my leadership outcomes through communication alone and that's something I can control! Now to be clear.. I dont follow these 100% of the time and I don't hit all of them on every message but I definitely use a couple every time.
Clarity: I make sure to clearly define project/task objectives and expectations to prevent any misinterpretations. I will document these expectations across the different channels we have (verbal, written) and have clear action items as next steps. Keep the technical jargon to a minumum.
Conciseness: I make sure to keep my notes/chats/requests brief and focused on essential metrics and items that need the attention. A long winded message leads to lost focus - don't give too much detail, they can always ask for more.
Concreteness: I support my ideas and proposals with specific examples and data for credibility but I tie it back to business objectives, goals or return on investment. We still need "gut" or "intuition" for decisions but good leaders add in data to help back their argument.
Correctness: I ensure accuracy in all documentation and communications. The worst thing is having a wrong fact or incorrect number ruin an otherwise great idea or communication, especially as the "tech person". Instant loss of credibility in that moment
Coherence: I ensure to structure communication logically to guide stakeholders through a cohesive narrative. Last week - I talked about "Know your Audience" - this is a big part of that! Storytelling is key to getting buy-in.
Completeness: I provide comprehensive information in project briefs to ensure that all details are available IF they want to look into it. Don't leave out relevant details or leave facts that matter out of the communication, no hiding.
Courtesy: I make sure to foster a culture of respect and open communication within your team. I believe that open, transparent communication leads to trust. Focus on making sure to build that trust.
Implementing these communication principles will hopefully help you become seen as a better communicator in your organisation!
✍️ Did I get this wrong or right?
♻️ Reshare if this applies to you!